Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Theft in DC

This is just down the block from our house.

A common site in DC - broken car windows. The sidewalks around town are covered in safety glass.

I've got to get a new job...

As seen in nearby Alexandria - vultures above the door of my office building. There's just something just a bit ominous about having these guys darkening my doorstep, literally.

Parked in front of Busboys and Poets at 14th and V, NW DC

In advance of the 5 year anniversary of the Iraq invasion, found the next day at Union Station:

New Marketing Concept:

Advertisment seen on the metro that screams:
"Rent our apartment and hot women in fishnets will give you head."

3/29/08 - Cherry Blossoms!!! And my, what crowded streets

Many gathering on the steps of the Jefferson Memorial

Trees along the Tidal Basin

Two DC residents trying hard not to look too touristy

Washington Memorial

Many kites surrounding the monument.

Pod People in the courtyard of the Hirshorn Museum